Melding The Ancient and Modern...
while trying to stay as authentically real as possible. Big goals, I know!
Welcome to Torah: Transparent and Grounded by me, Adir Yolkut. I am an exile from St. Louis who is currently Rabbi-ing in NY. When I am not doing the Rabbi thing, I am an aspiring coffee connoisseur, sneakerhead, and CrossFitter but not cultishly. Always try to remember that rabbis are people too!
Why the title of “Torah: Transparent and Grounded? In my 5 years out of rabbinical school, I now know a few more things than when I finished but mostly have realized there’s very little I know. I am on a mission to try to learn more every single day. One thing I am certain of, while I do wear a Rabbi hat, I also wear many other hats and I am only the best clergy person when I fuse all parts of who I am with the wisdom I want to teach.
My goal? To bring that here and be in conversation with you.
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